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Ray Tracing with Caustics
Ray Tracing

Tools / Download
Ray Tracer
The ray tracer is coded in Java using the 1.5.0 JDK. You can download the JAR file below, which requires the Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 to run (only Windows 2K has been tested).
Parallel Client-Server Application
I also implemented a parallel client-server application to distribute the rendering to multiple computers on a network over TCP/IP.

You can even configure it to interface with your own ray tracing application if you make some general modifications to your code. The client application will run your ray tracer and "interface" with it via standard I/O streams.

It will request a segment of pixels to be rendered, then your ray tracer will send the RGB values back when it's completed.

The client sends all the necessary data back and forth to the server which in turn compiles the entire image from all the running client ray tracing application threads.